On Wednesday I worked my last shift as a CP. In an amusing twist of fate I worked my last day at the Hat which also happens to be the place I worked my first shift out of training. I was Hat attendant 7 which meant that instead of breaking a location after lunch and then doing evening sets I did "magical moment" sets and was finished at 3. The magical moment sets for that day were the weirdest and most amusing thing I have ever done as a character attendant. Unfortunately because they were so magical I can't actually write what made them so special but it is definitely one of those Disney experiences I will remember forever. They also resulted in my first Great Service Fanatic cards which are basically like a Disney kudos type thing. I got mine for "going above and beyond during meet & greets." Basically I made some international cps last day really special. :)
On Wednesday evening I went to Fantasmic! with some of my training group friends. As with all of the times when we attempted to get the whole (or most) or the group together, things when wrong and only a few people showed up. We weren't originally supposed to go to Fantasmic! which is probably why so few people came. But the cool thing about having the small group was that we got to have a special meet and greet with some Fantasmic! characters.

Bottom: Caitlyn, Gianna, Dopey, & Me
I spent most of Thursday packing my room up and then moving stuff to my new place. It probably took much longer than it should have because I am the world's worst packer. Seriously. After I had dropped off some of my stuff at my new place I went to Magic Kingdom to meet my friends Gianna and Will. We rode on Big Thunder Mountain and then met up with our other friend Lindsey and her parents to watch Spectromagic. We acted like complete goons the whole time and screamed the characters names when they went past us. This usually produces good results and this was no exception. Halfway through the parade we got a little boy who was probably 3 or 4 to sit with us. He ended up getting lots of characters coming up to him because we acted like asses. I think my favorite picture I caught was of Donald Duck jumping because we were chanting "Donald's Number 1!" His bow tie was already falling off and when he started jumping it totally came off. :) best picture ever!
After Spectro Gianna, Will, and I ran to the front of the Castle to watch Wishes. It was kinda like a repeat of our last night of training except not everyone was there and those of us who were, were not standing together. I think the hub (the area around the statue of Walt and Mickey) was like 90% CPs and everyone was crying. It was super sad. After wishes we met some of our friends in front of Walt and Mickeys statue. We hugged and cried and said goodbye. It is quite possibly one of the saddest things I have ever been through. I grew really close to my training group and to have to say goodbye to them was just heartbreaking. The worst part is it didn't hit me till the next day.

On Friday I got up bright and early (totally against my will) and started packing the rest of my stuff. My wonderful friend Josh came to help me pack and move everything. Once everything was loaded up into my car I went to turn in my apartment key, housing id, and parking decal. I almost cried when I had to do that. Sheer force of will stopped the tears. Josh and I drove over to my new place and we unloaded my stuff and then attempted to organize. Attempted is the key word here because it took me until well after Josh had left to do it.
Like I mentioned in the last post I have been in limbo since my program ended. I am still in Orlando but I haven't worked since last Wednesday. I haven't hung out with any other cps since I moved. I feel really isolated and it kinda sucks. My training group buddy Ryan Frisinger is a musician and I have both of his cds on my iTunes. Anytime they come on I get sad because it reminds me of everyone who left me. I am really looking forward to Saturday which will be my first day back to work. I never thought I would ever look forward to going back to work, but I totally am.
That is all for now. More posts soon! (because 2 in one day just isn't enough)
PS: Speaking of Ryan's awesome music if you are reading this you should totally go check out his myspace and listen to the awesome-ness. http://www.myspace.com/ryanfrisinger