A bit about me:
I am a currently a senior in her last semester of college. I am a Communication major with a concentration in Advertising, Public Relations, and Media Arts. I am quite a quirky and outgoing person who has loved Disney since childhood.
I have applied for a total of 2 Walt Disney World College programs and am currently in the process of applying for my final CP. I was rejected for the Fall 2009 program but accepted and completed the Spring 2010 program as a Character Attendant. As mentioned I am in the process of applying for the Fall 2011 program. I hope to do a Professional Internship after the Fall 2011 program and start a career with the Walt Disney Company.
The purpose of this blog is to document my experiences working for the Walt Disney Company. Its a journal of my memories, feelings, and thoughts as well as a database of the knowledge I have gained about the College Program.

Disney World or Bust!

End of the First Season